This file is responsible for serving the manifest.xml.
It contains the function that handles the GET request for the discovery API.
This file is responsible for handling the requests of the echo api. It contains the functions:
- echo_get : The handler of the GET request in the echo API.
- echo_post : The handler of the POST request in the echo API.
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This file is responsible for handling the requests of the institutions api. It contains the functions:
- institutions_get : The handler of the GET request in the institutions API.
- institutions_post : The handler of the POST request in the institutions API.
In this file the proper functions are registered to the methods of each API.
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In this file is written the core functionality for authenticating the incoming requests. It contains the function:
- authenticate : The main function that used to authenticate the incoming requests.
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In this file are written the queries to the database. It contains the functions:
- cert_hash_exist : Given a certificate hash, returns the number of records maching the certificate hash.
- rsa_hash_exist : Given a RSA hash, returns the number of records maching the RSA hash.
- get_rsa_key_from_hash : Given a RSA hash, returns the macthed RSA keys or empty Array.
- get_heis_from_rsa_hash : Given a RSA hash, returns an Array with the HEI-IDs or empty Array.
- get_heis_from_cert_hash : Given a certificate hash, returns an Array with the HEI-IDs or empty Array.
- insert_request_id : Inserts the request_id in the database.
- request_id_exist : Checks if the request id exists in the database.
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This file is a helper for the auth.js file. It contains the functions:
- sha_256_digest : This function is used to create the SHA-256 of the request body in base64 encoding.
- get_keyid_from_header : This function is used to extract the keyID from the http-signature header.
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This file is a helper for the respond.js and the method_not_allowed.js files. It contains the functions:
- create_x_request_sign_header : This function is used to create the x-request-signature header.
- create_digest_header : This function is used to create the digest header.
In this file is written the handler for the incoming requests that use inappropriate method. It contains the function:
- method_not_allowed : The use of this function is used to create the response to the methods that are not allowed.
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This file is responsible for constucting the response of the server. It contains the function:
- respond : The use of this function is used to create the response for the incoming requests.
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This file is responsible for fetching and maintaining a catalogue copy from the registry, localy. It contains the functions:
- create_backup : Creates a backup of the catalogue.xml.
- catalogue_exists : Checks if the catalogue.xml exists.
- get_from_backup : If the catalogue.xml does not exist get data from catalogue
- get_catalogue : Fetches the catalogue from the regisrty.
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This file is responsible for creating a logger object, that is used to keep log files. It contains the functions:
- create_logger : Creates the logger object.
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This file is responsible for keeping the database up-to-date, based on the last fetched catalogue from the registry. It contains the functions:
- clear_db : Clears the database collections.
- createDB : Used to update the database.
- init_db : This function is used to invoke the update process every INTERVAL seconds.
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